Vegan Pesto

I like to put pesto on EVERYTHING but *most* contain lots of garlic and parmesan, so of course I had to make a low FODMAP dairy free version! I’ve been loving it on cold pasta or spaghetti squash with some vegan ricotta.
TBH I didn’t meticulously measure everything but this is more or less what I’ve been doing:⁣


2 cups fresh basil ⁣

1/2 cup pine nuts ⁣

1/3 cup garlic infused olive oil ⁣

Sea salt

*Optional: nutritional yeast to give it a cheesy flavor but you can also just sprinkle on whatever you’re eating!⁣


Wash and dry basil. Add everything to a food processor or good blender and mix until smooth. Add salt to taste at the end.

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